Thursday, June 12, 2008


Tuesday: Went to Vatican City. Rushed through Vatican Palaces, got to see the Sistine Chapel (with Michelangelo's ceiling frescos) and the Papal Apartments, and then we spent some time in St. Peter's Basilica and the large piazza in front of it. Actually went into the Basilica and got to see the great baldachinno sitting over the tomb of St. Peter himself.

Wednesday: More Ancient Rome. Went to the ruins of the Baths of Caracalla (absolutely enormous); an ancient Christian catacomb from the 2nd century and a famous tomb on the Appian Way.

Thursday: Lots of Baroque churches in Rome. Beautiful architecture and sculpture by Bernini and Borromini. Saw President Bush drive by in a whatdoyacallit, motorcade thingy with a police car in front, the car containing the president in the middle, and the police car in behind. Windows were black so we didn't see Bush, but it was him in the car zipping by. No one else on the street, it just was a random incident that the motorcade drove by where we happened to be.

Lots of drama, high stress and roommate strife for everyone this week; people are starting to get to the point where they're ready to go back home. I'm ready to stop paying for ice and ketchup (they don't come free), being able to cook my own food and having more than one pillow to sleep on at night. Nevertheless, don't get me wrong--this is a fantastic place. But for such a length of time, it's nice to spend it with people you know and love well.

More details on what I did this week tomorrow (which is a free day); this is just a marker post until I can write up a more descriptive entry.


Anonymous said...

I hear you loud and clear on the roommate stuff.

Funny how, despite all the emphasis on this and that as we grow up (money, education, jobs, etc), in the final analysis, the quality of our lives really depends upon whom we spend the most time around : our roomies !

Solve THAT one and everything else seems to be able to be worked out !

Anonymous said...

...Gawd Girl, you went to the Vatican and it sounded like you got rushed through. Hope it was a good experience.

Yeah, bad roomies. Being cooped up with someone who you rub against can be bad. But then again, after a while, I'm sure I would be po.d at the Pope if he threw his socks around!

Sounds like you're ready to get home. Squeeze every last bit out. You're free Girl! This same chance won't happen again! Go somewhere by yourself with nothing on your mind other than to just look. Don't go TO somewhere, just point yourself in a general direction and go. And HAVE FUN!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read your post tomorrow. How wuz the Vatican? Can't wait to hear about the baths.

Like jamie said, go have fun Girl. Plenty of time to rest when u get home!

Anonymous said...

I bet the Vatican was beautifu.

Anonymous said...

This has been such an experience for you! I'm with the others. Put as much as you can in the next week and just have a great time. It is so nice that you had this time to come to know and love these people you "lived" with. They will be lifelong friends. I'll treat to ice and ketchup when you return...all you want! The ATL ladies LOVED the postcard. Tammy wants to take it home.